Driving Licence Preparation app

Driving Licence preparation app help you read and practice questions based on the DMV’s driver’s manual for your state. In order to provide better user experience we use following permission. With the help of these we could develop personalized experience.Now, we will look into the all permission required. 1. android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE It is required to write the data into your device which question is your favorite one. Other analytics data such as which calculators do you use most. 2. android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE What we have write in the device such as your favorite questions and your most used question-answers in our app will be read. We don't read data from any other applications. 3. android.permission.INTERNET Internet is required to serve the ads. 4. android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE It is required to know current state of network. 5. android.permission.ACCES...